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Your Donation Counts
Over 1,000 incarcerated men and women are on the frontlines battling the fires in Los Angeles—serving their community proudly, bravely putting themselves in harm’s way, and gaining invaluable experience.
Every single incarcerated firefighter out there deserves the opportunity to transition into this career professionally after their release.
The Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program is that transition opportunity. FFRP was built for this moment. Please consider making a gift to help FFRP train more formerly incarcerated community members so they can prevent these fires before they even start.​
Donate to support our formerly incarcerated firefighters​​
If your company is a participating organization, please consider donating through our Benevity Causes profile.
For questions on wires, checks, and stock gifts contact our finance team at, or use our PO Box address:
110 W 6th St #162
Azusa, CA 91702
For checks sent via FedEx please contact the finance team for an alternative mailing address.
How will my donation be used?
100% of funds go to the implementation of the crew and its volunteer projects. This includes the acquisition of protective wear, training, and tools needed to make these projects happen. All donations are tax deductible, and relevant in kind gifts are
accepted as well.
Work Projects are opportunities for our participants to continue training and developing their skills while providing needed services for wildfire prone communities. Our projects typically consist of fuels reduction, defensible space, and fire prevention work.
If you are not interested in making a donation at this time, but would like to reach us, please email us.
Is this donation tax deductible?
Yes, donations to FFRP are tax deductible for qualifying donors. FFRP is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Please check with your tax preparer to confirm whether your donation is tax-deductible. You will receive an email that you can use to substantiate your donation for tax purposes.
The Urban Association of Forestry and Fire Professionals is Doing Business As the Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program (FFRP), our EIN is 83-0806426.
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